It seems these days, as my children grow older, I find myself once again in the midst of God's little wonders, a new grand baby and a new day care. It's become clear how important the development of our babies and toddlers brains and bodies are. They consume everything around them like little scientists and explorers and thrive on love. They are innocent, completely dependent, amazing creatures...exploring all faucets of their environment. Do we foster that kind of learning and passion in our students?
Love. Is it missing from the home?
It's alarming to me to recognize the social issues our communities are plagued with... and it threatens the most innocent.... our children.
We need only look around the corners of the paths we take to work and see the signs of neglect all around us.
- Cultural Poverty
- Apathy
- Debt
- Lottery Gambling
- Broken-down Neighborhoods
- Accountability Issues
I am not blaming ... just trying to uncover the answers to questions.
How do we bridge the gap that so clearly exists?